Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lindsay Lohan does drugs and sex in rehab!

Lindsay Lohan has reportedly been caught taking drugs and having sex in a toilet cubicle with a male patient while in rehab.
The 'Mean Girls' star was allegedly forced to undergo a drugs test by staff at Utah's Cirque Lodge facility, and the results came back positive.
Lindsay, 21, has now been warned if she does not stay clean she will be thrown out of the centre.
A source is quoted as saying: "Lindsay got called into the director's office on August 15 and was questioned about drugs. When ordered to take a drug test, she reluctantly complied but screamed and cursed at the medical director before storming out the room. She was told that if she couldn't conform to the program she'd have to leave."
According to reports it is not Lindsay's first indiscretion since entering Cirque Lodge earlier this month.
She is said to have been caught having sex in a toilet cubicle with a male patient, and is reportedly frequently late to meetings and refuses to do any chores or menial tasks such as washing up.
Lindsay entered the rehab centre following her arrest on July 24 after she crashed her car following a high-speed car chase in Santa Monica. She was in possession of cocaine when she was taken into custody.
Last week, Lindsay pleaded guilty to two charges of being under the influence of a controlled substance (cocaine) and pleaded no contest to two charges of DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol). She also pleaded no contest to one charge of reckless driving.
After entering her plea bargain, she was sentenced to one day in jail and 36 months probation for her offences and ordered to undergo an 18-month alcohol rehabilitation program.
This is the troubled actress' third stint in rehab. She previously stayed at the Wonderland and Promises facilities in Los Angeles


Karl L. Gechlik said...

What a shocker - did we expect anything else?!?! Thanks for the morning chuckle. I saw it on Digg and couldn't help but click on through...

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